Why Study the Principles of Creation?

632.3Question: Does a person have the freedom to implement the principles of creation? Suppose I know that the principle that the world is one and some other principles. What can I do regarding them?

Answer: Nothing, these principles provide you with some understanding of the structure of the world, the creation, in which you exist and nothing more.

Based on these fundamental blocks (principles), it is already possible to shape a tactic of your behavior: whether you can or cannot improve your condition in some way.

Among these principles, on one hand, is the principle of freewill and, on the other hand, the principle of absolute deterministic development, which means the beginning, middle, and end of all development follows a strictly defined program.

By studying the principles of creation, you begin to understand where you have freewill, in which cases it is mandatory and only in this it manifests itself, how you can act to change something yourself, or whether you are completely subject to the upper force.

In other words, you proceed from principles that explain to you one universal law of nature, but from different aspects: relative to yourself, relative to society, and relative to the elements of development.

Then you can shape your relationship with the world, whether you have the ability to somehow influence the world or the impact it has on you to improve your condition.

Why do we need to know this? Just out of pure curiosity? No. We want to understand what lies ahead of us and how we can change something in our destiny.

There are rapidly changing events taking place in the world right now. And in a year or two, this speed will seem slow to us. In a year or two, the world will be rushing at such a crazy speed that today’s change of events will seem to us like the movement of a cart compared to a modern airplane.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Laws of the Universe” 3/27/11

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