In Order for the Secret to Become Apparent

294.3Question: The secret of the universe is that we would acquire the qualities of the Creator. He is pure bestowal without any thought of Himself. What is the secret here?

Answer: This is a secret because we do not have the quality of bestowal.

Question: But we are talking about it now, so it is no longer a secret. Everyone can read this.

Answer: Reading does not mean anything! You must feel this quality in you and with its help see the world! Then it will not be a secret anymore. So what if you just say that word?

Question: So the only secret is that one must become loving and bestowing like the Creator? Is that all?

Answer: It is Beresheet! It is “in the beginning”! Then everything is revealed further in order to come to equivalence of qualities with the Creator. That is, obtaining the qualities of the Creator is the means that in the future reveals His thought.
From KabTV’s “Introduction of The Book of Zohar” 5/21/23

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