Origin of Names

627.2Comment: It often happens that a person changes his name or surname in the hope of changing his fate.

My Response: I do not take it seriously. Perhaps he will start behaving differently, but it is purely psychologically.

Comment: However, I noticed a pattern that people with the same names behave the same way as if they have some kind of program.

My Response: Maybe. I can agree with this.

Question: Is there any connection with spirituality in the fact that you were called Michael?

Answer: I do not know. I think I was named after my grandfather. This is a very ancient name that goes back to biblical times to the angel Michael.

Most of the names of mankind are of biblical origin. In general, these are Jewish names, only slightly adapted to other languages.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Choosing a Name for a Child” 5/16/11

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