Ways to Reach the Future

760.1Comment: You said that you were once offered to find out what would happen to you in the future, but you refused.

My Response: Yes. What’s the point? It is said: “Do not practice divination or tell fortunes.” Why should I do this if by doing it I am robbing myself spiritually? I don’t want to know the future; I want to make it myself. I want to go to it blindly. It all depends on how I aspire to it.

Question: Isn’t this moment when you supposedly go to your future by yourself an illusion of freedom? It is programmed anyway.

Answer: The future is programmed but not the way to achieve it. For example, you go to school. It is absolutely certain that you will finish it. But how many times you will sit in which classes, how many strikes you will get and how many A’s or D’s depends on you and no one else. Therefore, it is not known how future states are achieved, because it is in your hands.

There are only two ways to achieve the same state at any given time, the good way or the bad way. Let’s say you come to work and you have to do it. You finished, got a reward, and went home. And so it is every day.

But how you will go through this path from beginning to end, depends on you. Either you will learn how to pass it well and quickly and implement it easily because you understand that this is necessary, good, and beneficial for you, or you will be driven forward with a stick to happiness.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What Is Memory?” 2/21/11

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