Till Death Do Us Part

962.3Question: How can young people keep their family together if by nature we can only take care of ourselves, and at the same time can live happily in a marriage only if we take care of our partner? How do I make these changes?

Answer: When you get married, you must understand that it is forever, as it is said: “Until death do us part.”

It can be in any case of life. Even if some of you do not like it or like it, you continue because children appear. You get married or get married forever, once for a lifetime.

If you initially know this, then it is not difficult. Mostly, you build your life in such a way that it interferes with you less.

I know many couples who work 20 hours a day and see each other a couple of months a year. That is, it does not matter. It is not that they dilute their lives with this, but they know that they still have an obligation forever.

Question: Man’s nature is to take care of himself, and a person should understand that by taking care of another, he will thereby make this marriage happy. How do these two points touch?

Answer: You need to think more about the other, and then you will see that it fills you. It is very simple really. When you think about someone else, you think about yourself less directly, but through another.

And at the same time, the world is arranged in such a way that everything fits well. It is amazing! I would just advise this formula to be well thought out.

Comment: That is, you have now proposed two simple but serious formulas. First, I am getting married and getting married forever. We are connected forever. And the second formula is I take care of the other, all the time.

Answer: In this way, I get rid of all the problems. Strange as it may seem.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/14/22

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