
531.03Question: What is conscience?

Answer: Conscience is responsibility related to the goal. Conscience by itself does not exist. When we interpret it in isolation from everything else, we understand it as an egoistic self-chastising and nothing more.

If you want to measure any property correctly, you must initially associate it with the Creator as a reference point, then draw it to yourself, and begin to explore it.

Question: What if a person is not in attainment of the Creator?

Answer: This is why our conscience is like a sail: it turns where you turn it.

Question: How can you learn to interpret this concept correctly?

Answer: There is no way. Under the influence of the environment, you can do anything you want with yourself.

Question: Do you mean human society?

Answer: Even if you grow up among animals, you will receive influence from them and become like them. Then at least you will have a conscience.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What is Conscience?” 3/21/11

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