Signs Of Messiah Today

294.2The division within Israeli society is deepening more and more, penetrating every home and every place of work. There were cases when families canceled the Passover meal only because of their political differences. This conflict is spreading among the people of Israel like a new coronavirus—an epidemic of separation.

However, this conflict is not new, it already existed within Israeli society. Altalena continues today. Until we correct this condition at the root, it will not disappear by itself. It is not time that decides everything here, but the maturity of the people. They do not want to grow up and do not receive the proper education, but continue to act according to their egoism, which is the biggest of all nations.

This problem will not be solved by itself because the people of Israel are not inside nature, but above it. Therefore, our egoism will not be cured by itself, but only by our great and purposeful efforts.

Today’s confrontation is not the limit. Kabbalists warn that the people of Israel will have to go through great trials if they do not realize the need for their correction. In the end we will come to correction and unification, to “love your neighbor as yourselves.” But what stages we will have to go through on this path is known only to the Creator.

I see that the people of Israel have not yet come to the revelation of evil, even to a minimal extent. That is why we have yet to reveal our evil, each of us and all of us together, in the entire society. Who knows how many more wars will occur in the world because of the brotherly hatred between us.

Such brotherly hatred is peculiar only to the people of Israel because we are called to bring a method of connection and an example of brotherly love to the world so that love your neighbor as yourself becomes the law of the existence of all humanity. We are obliged to spread this method, implement it ourselves, and show an example to everyone. In this way, we will fulfill our destiny, and everyone will know what the secret of the people of Israel is and why it exists.

Everyone should know that there is a method that can correct the state of the world and lead it to connection and love. The people of Israel must first reach this by themselves, and then lead everyone else to love their neighbor as themselves.

The strength for such love must be taken from the Creator; we ourselves do not have it. It is impossible to force or persuade a person to love the other as himself. We must demand the Creator to shine this light of love upon us, and then we will be imbued with this light and will live in it.

This is only possible if we want it to happen. But we do not want that yet. Judging by what happens at demonstrations and in the media, we enjoy hating others instead of striving for love.

This is understandable because the people of Israel are the model of the entire world. It was formed from the natives of Ancient Babylon, where all the nations of the world were gathered at that time. The Jewish people have received a method of reaching love for one’s neighbor as for oneself, and if we make this correction in our small nation, it will serve as an example and the right message for the entire world.
From KabTV’s “Writers Meeting – Q&A with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman” 4/4/23

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