Like Amputation Without Anesthesia

253Comment: On the spiritual path we are constantly shown various flaws, but we must always justify them.

My Response: You cannot just justify them verbally. You must rise above them and break away from them.

It all depends on correction. Correction means distancing from old egoistic desires. But you do not break away from them physically as if breaking connection with them. You distance yourself from them to the extent that you feel their flaw, and then you do not use them. You cannot touch them.

On the other hand, you are tempted in more and more ways to be selfish. Depending on this, if you are in a group, you have the opportunity to attract more and more upper light to yourself.

The stronger your desires are, the more you need the group to attract more upper light and break away from these desires. Then separating from them will not be painful like an amputation without anesthesia. In this case, you will be able to turn to Him as a strong individual and correct them from the outside, and once corrected, attract them and use them in yourself. This is already a high-level correction, receiving for the sake of giving.

In general, it is normal for us to receive for the sake of receiving. Then you make a restriction on it and do not use it. Afterward, you apply it only for the sake of bestowal, above it. And later, you use it for the sake of receiving in order to give to everyone else by passing it through yourself.

Thus, you go through the same four stages leading to the fifth where you completely merge with the whole universe.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to Justify Suffering?” 10/27/12

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