What Is There To Be Ashamed Of?

547.05Comment: Once you tried to make an example of one student to others. That student immediately began to justify himself, and you tried to explain to him that he needed to accept it.

My Response: Every person should look for a wide variety of qualities in himself. I need to point at someone, and maybe even jokingly take them aside for people to see. How else can I convey an impression or some kind of tip for a person to himself?

Comment: It often happens that you talk in general about the state of the group, but sometimes you get personal.

My Response: So what? Let everyone learn! Why should we be ashamed of each other?! What can I be embarrassed about?! In our world, I go to the doctor, tell him everything, and he takes tests from me; there is nothing to be ashamed of, not the animal body that I do not associate myself with. I tell him that I have such-and-such pressure, such-and-such blood, and so on.

But when we turn to sensual things, I feel embarrassed when I tell the doctor that I have such-and-such feelings and such-and-such drives. Why?! After all, this is also our natural, inner animal body.

When I talk about the spiritual, here I am no longer “I.” I am working on what I have received from the Creator.

In an animal body, I have nothing to work on; I follow a diet, exercise, go to the doctor, and that’s it. And in my inner spiritual body, I am in a state where I can really work on myself. This should be studied.

And all this work on myself is also not personally mine! It is absolutely the same for everyone! Everyone follows the same path if they try to work on themselves! Everyone has the same failures and the same problems!

Look at how the book Shamati or other articles and messages are written. They are written for everyone! Whether it may be an Indian, Turk or Frenchman, young or old, man or woman, it does not matter at all! There are almost the same paths for everyone. What is there to be ashamed of?!

There is one soul for everyone. Why can’t I talk about it out loud and everywhere, especially when everything depends on it?! We are adults! What can a person be ashamed of?! Today came, tomorrow left. Where is he? What is he? He doesn’t know anything. Look at the stupid things he does while he exists in this world.

So how can I not talk about everything as openly as possible, just to be understood?! Only small children are shy because they identify themselves with their body: “My body is me.” And a truly adult person is not shy.

Kabbalah says: “Stop being shy; go to the one who created you.” That is all. Turn to the one who created you.

You can only be ashamed of one thing, if you had the opportunity to make some kind of correction, to do good in the world, and you didn’t do it. Be ashamed about this! Nothing else depends on you.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Laitman Offended a Student” 11/17/12

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Shame Is A Beneficial Quality
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