How Can You Prevent Divorce?

595.05Comment: Psychologists say that one of the factors to prevent divorces and quarrels is to sleep in a shared bed, necessarily under the same blanket where you must either settle the relationship or improve it. You have no where to go. They say that there should not be, in the literal sense, a gap between husband and wife, different beds, rooms.

As far as I understand, this is a modern view, it somehow differs from our forefathers. The male and female halves were separated then.

My Response: There has always been a separate male and female bed. They didn’t sleep together.

Question: Tell me then, why, from a spiritual point of view, should the male and female each have their own half, their own part?

Answer: Because initially we are two halves.

Question: And in us, in a person, is male and female also divided?

Answer: Of course!

Question: In every person?

Answer: Not only in every person. In every atom, in every piece of information. There is no such thing that the nine Sefirot and the tenth Malchut are connected. Only after they are ready for this, and on the basis of mutual collision does penetration occur. A new life is born out of this. But all this is only temporary. It is an act and nothing more.

Question: Now the basis is clear, why they should be separate. Then the question is will they ever be connected?

Answer: In no way, never! This will be a clear and correct interaction between creation and the Creator.

Question: Is this the union of male and female, where the Creator is male and creation is female?

Answer: Yes. This is the same as the question: Will egoism ever disappear? It won’t disappear. It will be used correctly in our connection.

Question: Then the Kabbalistic question is: “And what is the final correction?

Answer: It is when egoism and altruism interact with each other correctly and maintain a clear balance between each other.

Altruism is male, and egoism is the female inclination. They understand that one cannot manifest without the other.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 7/4/22

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