Reshape a Stubborn People

293Question: You said that we can correct the external manifestations of various events within ourselves. In particular, you cited what happened in the Gaza as an example. What does it mean to internally correct the external manifestations of the Gaza Strip?

Answer: Why else are external manifestations given to us? They are only given to us so that we can improve internally.

The whole world must reach correction. If we do not correct it in a normal way, that is, by revealing the Creator, then we are given all sorts of external problems that still force us to go toward this. But then we come to the Creator because of them.

Look at how many problems and suffering accumulate and how much time passes until we begin to realize that all this is only to solve our internal problems. This takes time! But by working internally, we can immediately get down to business.

Question: But if there were no external Gaza Strip, how could it manifest inside a person?

Answer: Under the influence of our dissemination, under the influence of some other milder problems. But if not, then by means of war, serious losses, and serious beatings, because then one starts asking, “How can I correct this, what should I do?”

Jews are very stubborn people. It is almost useless to say anything to them. To do this, we need to properly tune in because their heart, hearing, head, and brains are closed. Everything is closed! On the other hand, they are smart, wise, and receptive people, but very far from changing themselves. Very far! This means they are stubborn!

This stubbornness will require many more sacrifices until they finally agree that something needs to be done.

Question: What will their agreement be? In participation or just awareness?

Answer: In serious participation! In correcting themselves for the sake of correcting the world, for the sake of the Creator.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Gaza Strip Helps the Jews” 11/24/12

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