What Do Names of Kabbalists Mean?

961.2Question: Do Kabbalists define each other by name?

Answer: If I say that my teacher, Rabash, is the first disciple of his father, Baal HaSulam, then this says everything for me. I do not need anything else.

The same is true when I say that I am a disciple of Rabash, his follower, as though his shadow, then this is also enough.

Meaning, anyone who is interested in Kabbalah understands who I am, and it is clear to him what to expect from me and what questions to ask. He understands my essence.

Maybe this does not explain my achievements, because if I am his follower, it does not mean that I have reached his degree. But by what I do, how I teach, you can understand that I am at least at the degree that I teach.

My students and I do not study the degree at which I am. We are studying the degree at which I can teach them.

Just like a teacher with higher education who knows a lot comes to the classroom and leads it for many years and constantly reveals his knowledge at the degree of the understanding of the students so that they understand and be drawn to him.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Meaning of a Person’s Name” 6/16/12

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The Origin Of Names
The Spiritual Meaning Of Names And Titles
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