Be Together as One Wall

767.3I am trying to insert my stone into a stone wall, and all the stones around this opening are my friends who determine the shape that I should eventually take.

Let’s say I am the Sefira of Hod of the spiritual Kli in ten Sefirot. I do not know what the Sefira Hod should be in the spiritual Kli: Hesed, Gevura, Tifferet, Netzach, and Hod. But if I adapt myself to the previous Sefira Netzach and to the next Sefira Yesod, then I understand what it takes to fill the space between them.

And when we build the ten Sefirot Kli in this way, we get the main building block of the entire creation in which we reveal the inner life, the Creator. And then we expand this building by connecting new blocks, and begin to see the perfect reality unfolding before us in all its forms, above time and space.

We need to become wise and persistent participants in this construction together, and then it will be easy and joyful. And if it is hard, it means that we are working incorrectly.

Theoretically, if I could get rid of all my egoism, I would turn into soft clay, which enters like butter between all the stones and concrete blocks in the wall. This is an ideal form when there is no desire to receive in me, but only a desire to bestow, a desire to suit everyone.

This happens when a person enters a group that is new for him and he wants to establish relations with everyone so that he is accepted. However, when we work with our desire to receive, we reveal our egoism, and we feel pressure from everyone until we relent. But if I adjust myself to the ten, then I can be sure that I have found the right place and am moving forward correctly: from love for the creations to love for the Creator.

The main thing is the willingness to connect. The basic principle is to be together as one wall, one building. And if no one wants to change for the sake of connecting with others, then this is not spiritual. Spirituality is when I adapt myself to everyone, and so I find my true place in the structure of Adam HaRishon, in the common soul.

It is very important to understand that I am annulling myself not just in front of a friend, but in front of our mutual connection, before the form of our common border that divides us. It turns out that due to such work, I annul myself before the Creator.

We just need to know how to correct ourselves in the most external form and adapt ourselves to our friends so as not to interfere with them, and by combining our forces, we can take a step forward together. Taking this step forward, we feel that we are acting for the sake of one goal, for the sake of a common connection, and one Creator will be able to clothe in us. And then we take another step and another, and so we build a temple.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/21/23, “Preparation for Opening the Heart at the Congress”

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