On the Inner Screen of the Soul

962.4Question: Does an ebook affect the inner desire of the person who reads it?

Answer: I would not say that it matters today because the person himself has become such.

But during the lessons, we still read excerpts from ordinary books that are published in a normal typographic way. But on the texts, of course, I work on the computer.

And the student who is sitting with the computer, let him work with it. The main thing is whatever he will experience within himself.

Question: But how did the system appear, that began to depict everything on the screen?

Answer: This happened because we also have a screen inside. We also see everything around us inside ourselves, on our screen, but it seems to us that we observe it outside of ourselves. Everything we see outside of us is inside of us. This is such an illusion of realization, there is nothing else in it.

As a result, we will come to understand that everything we see is our inner state, and by changing ourselves, we will write a book within ourselves on four and a half degrees of desires.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Book or iPad” 5/21/12

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