The Crown of a Kabbalist’s Work

239Question: In spiritual work, does the only thing that depends on the Kabbalist is how he builds the screen?

Answer: Of course. But this is the result of a huge number of internal actions, decisions, and analysis. This is the crown of all the work of a Kabbalist.

And he does not build the screen. He prepares all the conditions in order to claim it, and then the next level clothes on him and gives him a screen. This is how he always rises.

He kind of lifts himself up. Now there are such two-level devices adapted for cars, when the car, as it were, lifts itself, transfers it upward and upward with an anchor, and so it moves forward with a progressive, stepping, start-stop movement.

In Kabbalah, such a movement at every step involves analysis: first, the fall (left line), then its realization, then the beginning of work with it, and so on.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Kabbalists Versus Psychics” 7/14/12

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The Mechanics Of Ascension
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