A Governance that Appeals to Egoism

448.9Comment: As a rule, most of the European countries that once ruled the world have fallen into decline over time. For example, Greece is now one of the poorest countries in Europe.

My Response: Nothing can be done. Such is the dialectic: first you conquer some countries, and then they rule you. It is the same when you give birth to children: first you take care of them and sort of rule over them, and then, as adults, they rule over you. You cannot escape this—it is dialectic.

The same thing happened with the Roman Empire, Ancient Greece, Egypt, Persia, and other countries. Everyone first conquered and expanded, and then changed roles with the enslaved nations.

Question: Let’s say America is at its peak right now. So, it is very easy to predict what will happen to it?

Answer: No, it is impossible to predict. America captures everyone in a different way, not physically but technologically and financially. Therefore, it is not necessary for someone to rule over it. It is just that there will be a “deflation” of America in the future, but not in the sense that it will be ruled over by someone. This is a different type of power. It is a little different every time.

America has conquered the world with its culture, and it is not a monoculture. This is not Russian, French, or some other culture, nor a religion that wants to conquer the world. It is something that everyone can fit into.

This explains the amazing speed of the spread of the American way of life. It is very light and appeals to any egoism. It lets you kind of relax. Young people bite into it. This is a different type of conquest.

I do not think that Americans in this regard will receive a reverse negative blow, or that they will be conquered by some other culture. Which one? After all, there is no one they enslaved. They only contribute, supplement.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. America vs. Europe” 6/2/12

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