The Body Strives for Stillness

281.01Question: In order for us to not lose the taste for spiritual work, you sometimes have to joke, then scold someone, or say something new so that people do not sleep. Why do we have such bluntness? Why do you constantly need to try to come up with something new?

Answer: Because the body (egoism) strives for constant calmness. What else can it strive for? According to its nature it only wants to be filled and unchanged. This is egoism! As soon as it does not have any feelings of emptiness, suffering, or shortcomings, then this is the state it wants to reach and stop.

Question: Students often come to this state, and they are stuck for a long time. Are they stopped by egoism or simply do not have the strength?

Answer: They do not get stuck, they move. Now they are moving much faster than before.

Naturally, a person starts from afar. When he comes to us he does not understand what, how, and for what. He can nod his head at you even though he does not understand anything. And while he begins to feel something and to understand, a couple of years pass.

This is our work! We all have to go through the same stages. We cannot jump over any of them! We can only speed up time. But it depends only on the person and the extent of his luck when he hears that he has to delve into the group.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Body Strives for Constant Rest” 3/11/12

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