It Is Forbidden to Reveal the Soul

962.4Question: You said that you cannot open your soul, meaning, talk about what you are feeling right now. But all the same, a person speaks from what he feels. How can one work here? Where can you hurt yourself and others and where are you still protected?

Answer: You are not hurting anyone yet. We are not talking about these degrees. But in general, it is better to be silent. Why talk about what you are going through internally?

Comment: When something happens to another person, you, in general, if you have also passed this state, you can at least analyze how he feels. It is like a picture in which you most likely see your external states.

My Response: If you want to move forward normally, then there is a technique for this. There is nothing to be clever about, no one understands anything about it anyway. Take this technique and do exactly as it says.

If you do not want to advance, then go into philosophy. Do you want to test love with physics or biology with veterinary medicine? I do not know what and how, but this is nonsense. There is no point trying to compare the incomparable. You want to use the tools of this world—psychology or various other methods—to get into a world where you cannot enter with your feet.

But you do not have the qualities of that world to do this, and you strive without changing yourself and your qualities to get in there: “Maybe I will find something there, I will dig it out and I will have some kind of hocus-pocus in this world, I can manipulate something.” It will not work! Otherwise, all special services would already be “grazing” in Kabbalah.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. It is Forbidden to Reveal the Soul” 3/31/12

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