Should We Live for Ourselves?

79.01Comment: The following text is very popular on the Internet:

Do you know what will happen after your funeral? After a few hours, the crying stopped. Your family will be busy ordering food from hotels and caterers for relatives. Grandchildren running and playing. … A relative may complain about funeral expenses and that he/she had spent a few hundred dollars more on his/her share. The crowd will slowly dissolve. In the coming days, some calls may come to your phone without knowing you are dead. Your office will be rushing to find someone to replace you. One week later, after hearing the news of your death, some Facebook friends may search with curious sadness to know what your last post was. In a few days, your son and daughter will be busy shopping and packing before they return to work as their emergency leave ends. At the end of the month, your spouse will watch a comedy show and laughing. Some siblings and relatives will ask about the properties and assets you had, if any. In the coming months, your close relationships will return to the cinema and the beach. Everybody’s life will go back to normal just as there is no difference between a withered leaf of a big tree and what you lived and died for. It all happens so easily, so fast, with no movement. This world will forget you and be in a grave at an astonishing pace. Meanwhile, your first death anniversary will be celebrated lavishly. In the blink of an eye, years have passed and there is no one to talk to about you. One day, just looking at some old photos, one of your close friends may remember you. In your hometown, of the thousands of people you’ve become acquainted with, only one person, as you have ever been, can rarely talk to anyone about you. You may live elsewhere, as someone else, if reincarnation is true. Otherwise, you will be nothing and will be plunged into darkness for decades. People are waiting to forget you easily. Then who are you running around for? And who are you worried for? For most of your life, say 80%, you think about what your relatives (excluding love ones) and neighbours think about you. Are you living a life to satisfy them?

My Response: That is another matter. But it is not an end in itself—what am I living for? It does not solve the issue. “Live for yourself”; that is, I will live for myself, I will not think about anyone. Then what?

Comment: I will pass away the same way someday. This is understandable. The worry here is that everyone will forget me. Everyone to whom I have given so much warmth.

My Response: There is no question about this, this is understandable. They will forget.

Question: Then what is the conclusion? If everyone forgets me, everyone I did so much good to.

Answer: I am not going to live inside others because they are mortal too. Why do I invest in others? Just to be closer to the Creator. Otherwise, what are people for?

Comment: When I say, I live for others, I am living for others. But you say, I live for others in order to come closer to the Creator.

My Response: Of course. Because others, too, will disappear today or tomorrow.

Comment: That is, others and everything else exist precisely so that I move, and come closer to the Creator.

My Response: Of course. I can remember how much my parents invested in me, and I cannot get away from this, this is with me all the time. But I look at my grandchildren, they do not care at all, and they do not feel how much their grandparents invested in order for them to exist. And so on. That is, after a generation, it is practically no longer felt.

Question: Does it mean that all is perishable, and it all goes away? Only our coming closer to the Creator is eternal, right?

Answer: Of course.

Question: Then what is this coming closer to the Creator?

Answer: Coming closer to the Creator means becoming included in an endless chain of caring for each other. We should feel that caring for each other is eternal. It leads to a feeling of eternity.

Question: Does the purpose of life lie in this? Is it precisely in this?

Answer: Yes. Then you come closer to the Creator with your feelings, time disappears, and only feelings remain.

Question: What is He, the Creator? What do I want? What does it mean to come closer to the Creator?

Answer: To come to absolute care for others. For another! If I can forget about myself and think about someone else, then I enter into eternity. We will begin to feel this eternity. You, as if, will move into others, and in this, you will feel infinity.

Question: I do not have such a thought, such a wormhole: “What will I get in return?” Doesn’t this exist?

Answer: This will be what you get. You will begin to feel eternity in your attitude to the other.

Question: Is the main goal to come closer to the Creator, and everything around us is given to us in order to come closer to Him?

Answer: Yes

Question: What about wars, sufferings, tragedies, and diseases?

Answer: Without them, we would not be able to feel all this. This is also necessary. That is, the evil inclination is specially created so that we feel ourselves rising above it.

Question: Is our task to rise above all this?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: For people, this is such pain, suffering, and so on, and you say, all of it is also for this.

My Response: This is necessary.

Question: Is it possible without it? To go through life in a clean, smooth way?

Answer: No, the person is not able to. He must go through anger, through the evil inclination; otherwise, he will not feel the good.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/5/23

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