Why Are We Given the Ability to Move?

115.07Question: For what purpose did the Creator create such a space called “our world” and the ability to move in it? All the changes still happen inside our desires, so what is this space where I can move my body and move from one place to another for? What does it give us?

Answer: It does not give us anything. It just seems to us that we are moving.

Question: Even if it only seems to us, still, the Creator, nature, does not create anything without purpose. Is this created for a reason?

Answer: It is in order for us to learn how to ascend from lower degrees of nature to higher ones. We can see even in our technological progress as we develop, and as a result of it we begin to work with higher degrees of nature, with its higher qualities.

As a result of such transformations, we will receive an opportunity to take into account the thing that is at the core of our movements.

Question: In principle, the Creator could have created some kind of reality where we would simply be in a static state and all movement would be only internal. Why do we need externality, even if it only seems to be to me? I do not understand how it helps me to come closer to the qualities of the upper force.

We live in some kind of reality where there is space, time, and motion. People are always traveling somewhere, flying, and moving. What for? It does not change anything internally. Or does it?

Answer: This has very little effect on internal states. We are not yet in such drastic changes to change us with movements of a different type.

There is even an expression: “Change your place, change your luck.” By changing the place, you change your internal conditions. At least, having moved physically to a right environment, you are already under the influence of this environment.
From KabTV’s “The Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES)” 2/12/23

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