Is It Possible to Create a Time Machine?

951Question: Why have we not been able to create a time machine and move into the future so far? And no one got to us from there either, by the way. Could this mean that we have no future at all? How can we understand this?

Answer: I think that time does not exist, and all this is our purely subjective feelings. We must understand that regarding these feelings we have freedom of choice. It is up to us to choose the system of coordinates.

Question: Since you claim that time does not exist, does that mean that humanity cannot create a time machine?

Answer: It depends on which one. If you fly at a speed close to the speed of light, then, of course, you will change your attitude toward those who are not at this speed.

Question: Will it ever be possible to actually put your protein body into a time machine and fly into the period of dinosaurs or forward into the future?

Answer: No, because it has nothing to do with you. How would you move to a state in which you were playing with dinosaurs?

Comment: Suppose, some electrodes were connected to me.

My Response: But this can be done at any time, in any state.

In principle, the past exists in the same way as our current state, and we just need to move into it. And what does our current state mean? This is how we imagine it. That is, you want to say that you wish to imagine yourself in a completely different dimension.

Question: No, I just want to get into some kind of apparatus and fly away to 20 or 100 years ago, like they show in movies. Why is it not possible?

Answer: It cannot be, because it cannot be. 😀

Comment: So, until we create such a machine, this probably cannot happen.

My Response: Not that it has not been created, it cannot be created. You can travel anywhere in time if you switch your brain.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 12/25/22

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