As Much as Required

256Comment: As a rule, you give a person information in such a way that he cannot use it for his own benefit. But it happens that when a person tries to convey what he heard from you, he lacks something, he cannot do it without the original source, that is, without your intervention.

My Response: Of course, it happens. The study carries both theoretical and practical loads. These are practical exercises, mastering, checking, learning from experience, and working on mistakes.

Question: What did you mean when you said that you give a person exactly so much that a person cannot use it for his own benefit?

Answer: I usually give people the amount of knowledge they need at the moment because more information will harm them.

Why do students go to school every day? Because every day they have to receive a new portion of the material that they need to master, and the next day they receive another portion, and then another one, and so on for ten to twelve years. Then maybe another five to ten years and generally every day throughout life. In portions!

I do the same. I am no different in this from other educational systems.

Comment: But it seems that they have a time limit; the child first goes through school and then the university.

My Response: It is the same here. It is just that there, when the official terms are over, the school year ends and that is it. You have to know a certain amount of material, pass exams, and so on. Whereas for us, a year may pass and some will learn two-year’s material during this year while others just a half-year’s material. It depends on the person.

Comment: Many schoolchildren, in principle, are not interested in history, geography, or biology, and they study these subjects by force.

My Response: This is because of the way it is explained to them. We should not say that they are not interested in these subjects. If they were shown the same history or geography in the form of fascinating movies, then it would be interesting for them, and they would absorb the material.

The learning process was made boring by the people themselves. We can make it so that the child will sit with his mouth open from morning to evening.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call, As Much as Required” 6/13/14

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