Antagonism Toward Kabbalah

963.6Comment: According to the classification of sects, it states: “The world is headed for disaster, and only the group knows how to save it.”

My Response: Not just the group but also the Kabbalists who have described it in their books. Therefore, you can turn not to us but to those who wrote it: Rav Kook, Baal HaSulam, Agra, Ari, Rashbi in The Book of Zohar, and so on. This is also written in the Prophets with reference to our time.

Moreover, there are documents that you cannot evade at all. But people turn a blind eye to them saying: “They do not understand anything, they are mystics, a sect.” But it will pass, I assure you. We have no other choice but to keep going and gradually eradicate this antagonism toward Kabbalah among people.

Kabbalah is anti-egoistic, and therefore, it turns out that it is against every person, against their nature. How can one take it when it is the most hated subject, the most despised teaching, that constantly tells him: “You have to change, constantly do this and that.” And you do not want to do these things.

I understand these people because I tell them they have to do something against their desires.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Kabbalah about Cults” 12/18/13

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