Time and a Change of Year

537Question: We are on the eve of the new year. Why, when there is a change of year, do people feel some kind of excitement and fulfillment? What is the root of this phenomenon? After all, we know that there is no time in spirituality. Why do people perceive it this way?

Answer: Firstly, there is no corporeal time in spirituality, and there is no spiritual time in corporeality. Therefore, it is not easy to talk about time.

In principle, the concept of time is quite complex. On one hand, this is connected to the coordinates we are in, against what and how we measure time and whether it exists at all. Is it purely our subjective inner feelings or is it really some kind of constant that dictates the course of our existence to us all the time? All this is not simple.

However, the fact that people get excited when the year changes is a common phenomenon that has nothing to do with spiritual roots.

The beginning of times, the end of times, and some kind of times, they of course do exist. But the “New Year” itself was adopted by people only in order to have some kind of reference point.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 12/25/22

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What Is Time?
The Origins Of Time
Time Compressed Into A Point

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