Today, It’s Spiritual Relationship or No Relationship

Kabbalah & Relationships

Tips on how to build successful relationships based on the spiritual principles and understanding of our nature

Relationships without a spiritual connection cannot survive.

Today it is practically impossible for a man and a woman to maintain a good relationship over time, unless there is a spiritual connection between them. It’s because their egos clash one against the other and destroy their connection. Today there are countless divorces, and most relationships fall apart, because our egos are “on fire,” and they only grow bigger with time. The beautiful verse, “Man, woman, and the Divine Presence between them”— simply does not exist in such couples.

So what does it take to create that spiritual connection between them, the only thing that can remedy their relationship? Having a spiritual connection means that both partners know the reason for their existence – to embark on the spiritual journey and attain the spiritual goal of life. Then they will have something that truly connects them, they will be in a mutual “cell” together, and the verse “Man, woman, and the Divine Presence between them” will really come true. In other words, they will feel the revelation of the Divine Presence —the Creator.

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