The Thorny Path of Man

219.01Question: The state of heartbreak results from what actions? I can’t just feel like my heart is broken. It’s a consequence of something.

Answer: First, you start by desiring everything in this world. Therefore, in your heart, in your desire, you want to be filled with everything that you see that is useful, good, kind, and in general everything that you can wish for.

After you see that this is impossible, you come to the question: Then what is possible? This is where various states arise in you that gradually lead to the fact that you should not strive for this, it is better to wish for something else.

Thus, through many, many disappointments, the Creator brings you to the state where it becomes clear to you that what you really want is to be closer to the Creator, closer in likeness to the Creator.

How can you do it? Gradually, through many actions, trials and errors, you begin to understand that this must be done only through connection with other people. And the more you unite with them and wish to be like them, the closer you get to the Creator.

This is called “from the love of created beings to the love of the Creator.” This, perhaps, is what a person must go through.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 11/27/22

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