Perfection Is a Movement Toward Harmony

527.03To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often (Winston Churchill).

Question: Are perfection and harmony the same thing? Does it mean that true perfection is harmony?

Answer: Perfection is an opportunity to constantly feel that you are able to move toward harmony. Ideal harmony on its own is unattainable; it means the end of everything, the freezing of the universe if we can imagine it that way. Therefore for us, perfection lies in the fact that we can move toward such harmony.

Perfection is the way to stop everything. This happens when all parts of the world, the universe, and everything in general are in such a state that none of them want to change their state because each is in perfection. Then the system is perfect.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 11/18/22

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“The Lord Raise His Countenance Toward You”
Always Strive for Perfection!

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