One of the Sources of Antisemitism

549.01Question: Did the great Kabbalists, whose books are sources of wisdom and ideas, speak about the intolerance of Jews toward each other?

Answer: Of course. Many sources say that the hatred that is revealed between Jews is the greatest in the world.

Question: Could this be one of the sources of anti-Semitism?

Answer: Without a doubt. The basis of mutual hatred, opposition, and intolerance that are embedded in the Jewish character are in the same way the basis of those events that have accompanied the Jewish people for thousands of years and accompany them to this day. This can be seen, among other things, in the example of our [Israel’s] government.

Question: I watched the swearing-in of members of the Israeli government. I was amazed when the representatives of the Arab part of the State of Israel not only did not take photos near the flag but simply left. How is such a state structure possible in which representatives of one part of the population are against the very state in which they live?

Answer: It is not only Arabs but Jews too. This is quite natural for our country. This is a special country that goes its own way.
From KabTV’s “Conversations, Israel and Its Impact on the World” 11/18/21

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