Do We Need a “Ministry Of Happiness” To Be Happy?

630.2Question: A Ministry of Happiness has been established in Dubai. It is headed by a woman whose function is to develop a program to make people living in the United Arab Emirates happy.

Apart from you, who talk about this all the time, this is perhaps the first real embodiment of the idea of ​​a proper government that cares about the happiness of people. However, the question is what exactly do they mean by happiness?

Tell me how your ideas, articles, books, which are aimed primarily at the education and upbringing of the population of Israel as well as Jews around the world, are combined with this?

Answer: To be honest, I do not know the plans of the Ministry of Happiness. It would be interesting to familiarize myself with them. But I am sure that we have a completely different program.

By happiness we mean reaching mutual connection that leads people to love for each other, that is, to the fulfillment of the biblical commandment “love thy neighbor as thyself.” Nevertheless, it would be good to create such a ministry. 🙂

Question: When you talk about the spiritual world and about the fact that the goal is to reach a sense of spirituality, does this not contradict a happy life in a physical body on Earth?

Answer: In no way.
From KabTV’s “Conversations, Israel and Its Impact on the World” 11/18/21

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