Strange Expressions

527.07That should appease your mind regarding the perplexing expressions we often find in books of Kabbalah……, and some that are even foreign to the human spirit (Baal HaSulam, Study of the Ten Sefirot, “Inner Observation”).

Question: Baal HaSulam writes of such concepts as, for example, a kiss or copulation, which at first glance are not quite decent things. But in Kabbalah, they imply a certain connection between spiritual objects. Therefore, he says it is necessary to use the exact terms that clearly correspond to the root relating to the branch, which cannot be replaced with other words.

What if the Kabbalist makes a mistake? Could it be that he called the root the wrong branch?

Answer: If a present-day Kabbalist writes it, consistently using this or that term, we accept it as a given. And if, for example, he could have made a mistake, then it is not clear what his mistake comes from. It follows, he does not understand exactly what is happening in the spiritual world and therefore does not see the right consequence in our world. That is, his language of the branches is incorrect.

But a true Kabbalist who attains the upper actions and their consequences in our world cannot choose to use other words no matter how strange they may be.

Comment: For example, Baal HaSulam wrote about why the mountain in Jerusalem is called the Mount of Olives. That is, Kabbalists felt from their attainment that this is exactly what it should be called, or why Adam was called Adam in the Torah.

My Response: Yes, all Kabbalistic terms, and these are practically all the words in the Torah, come from the Kabbalist’s attainment.
From KabTV’s “The Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES)” 8/14/22

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