Intention Changes Life

219.01Question: How can you put something into a connection that could affect an ordinary person?

Answer: I must invest an altruistic intention in my work and in everything I do. I want people to feel that their salvation is in the connection between them because we find a special upper force of nature in it that can do for us all the best that we wish. In any aspect: health, family, education, upbringing, mood, social relations, peace, and security, in whatever we want.

This is life like in paradise. Even more than in paradise. Because from our world we move into a spiritual state without any sense of death, even a physical one. We simply rise to the next level.

Just like I do not feel inanimate matter in my body or even vegetative matter. I cut my nails and hair and do not feel any loss. In the same way, I am gradually losing the feeling of the animate level, once I rise to the next level into the correct relationship between people by creating this level in the connection between us and living in it.

I begin to feel myself only at the level of “human” and come to the state of eternal perfect existence. This is what we must come to.

Comment: But you say: If a person himself does not want to make internal changes, you can invest whatever you want in him, but it will not affect him in any way.

My Response: No, under the influence of society he will want to change because we are a consequence of society. You cannot do anything about that! If society is permeated with this idea, then a person inevitably agrees with it and acts in the same direction.

Question: When you communicate with someone or give lessons, how do you influence that audience or that person you are in contact with so that it changes him?

Answer: I just act out of myself. Since I am the bearer of this idea a person who communicates with me through my materials in any kind of media becomes infected with it, and gradually it begins to work inside of him.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Invest a Part of Yourself” 8/30/13

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