How to Revive a Marriage

506.4Comment: When a man and a woman start a family, it’s like a fire is burning inside them. But over time every couple begins to cool down.

My Response: Then the same fire burns them. This is a normal feeling of nature because plus and minus together gradually destroy each other. The light bulb burns out; the resistance of the tungsten filament, like any conductor connecting opposite qualities, gradually breaks down.

A man and a woman are two opposite objects of creation. Naturally over time they get tired of correctly complementing each other. The resistance, which is their desire to please each other, disappears. I do not want to please her and she does not want to please me; we become habituated, tired, and ordinary. And then everything disappears.

This means that it is necessary to make sure that there is a need for a constant correct connection between each other in their relationship—addition and annulment of oneself relative to the other.

But when can it happen? It happens if our connection leads us to something higher. And what could be higher in our world? I’d rather get divorced; it’ll be easier for me. Why would I bother with that at all? I will have other women, a different environment; I will live and everything will be fine. And her, too. People get divorced very simply.

If thanks to our common connection we reach highest level, eternal life, such a pleasure that we will not find together on earth, then it is worth for us to tolerate each other, not even tolerate, but already appreciate.

Therefore the institution of marriage, which is now being deliberately destroyed, can be restored only with the manifestation of the upper goal.

People will have to be given an explanation that we are returning to it for a reason. This is like any bad trait in a person, one must completely eradicate it and then in some way bring back a little in the correct realization.

It’s the same here. The institution of marriage will be eradicated and humanity is already heading for extinction. And then it is realized “Why do we need this?!” To achieve the upper goal, to create couples again, to live and breed!
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to Revive a Marriage?” 9/7/13

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