Accumulation of Emotional and Mental Experience

58Comment: Let’s say you lived and a certain quality was revealed in you. You have begun to develop, have become a great Kabbalist, and have reached a certain point, and now from this point you look at what qualities your experiences have revealed to you so that you can perceive the Creator now.

My Response: These qualities gave me the opportunity for an objective clear separation from myself, an understanding of the opposite qualities of bestowal and love, comprehension of the system of the universe, and connections, and to the extent that I can correctly implement these connections, the ability to control my destiny and to lead myself.

That is, by consciously, anti-egoistically, and with the efforts that I try to evoke in myself, I attract an upper force and constantly improve myself under its influence.

Question: And what if you were given this awareness without going through various states and were given them automatically?

Answer: No, I wouldn’t feel anything. There is no wiser person than one who has experienced all the stages of development. There is no one who can do it without gradually having endured those feelings.

It’s just like how experiences accumulate in small children. I once flew to Europe and back with my four-year-old grandson. He didn’t know what an airplane was, for him it was a huge steel bird that constantly buzzes. What did he understand about it? Nothing.

And if a person had gone through all this, suffered, studied, and learned how and what, then it would be a completely different matter. The child, rising into the air, does not know what air is, what oxygen is, and why everything works like this. It’s impossible to convey! All this must be lived! In fact, we think it’s just an experience. This is not just an experience, but the development of our inner ability to feel those phenomena that we would not otherwise feel.

What is the difference between a small child and an adult? It’s the fact that an adult has vast experience, the accumulation of a mass of sensory and mental data that a child does not have. And if we could put all this into a child, just fill him up, could he be like an adult?

You wouldn’t be able to put all the data into him that, say, a 30-year-old person has. You couldn’t! Because it would take you 20 years to do that. The program should be filled in gradually, like in a computer.

Sometimes I have such programs install for almost an hour. Why? What’s the problem? Just give an injection, put an infusion in… no, the program should reformat itself, remove, erase, reboot, etc.

That’s how it works, 20 years until a person grows up. Otherwise, he will not be able to load himself up. He must live through all that! There are no such feelings in the computer, there are billions of operations, zero-one and that’s it. But a person must feel and store all this, compare it, and connect it with the past. This includes everything: fantasies, intentions, and mistakes.

This is the whole program.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call.  See What Doesn’t Exist” 8/30/13

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