Yom Kippur: A Request for Correction

236.02In the process of spiritual development, there is a special state called Yom Kippur (from the word “kapara” – “redemption”), which means the correction of all sins for which a person repents and asks to be corrected.

After all, it is clear that we ourselves cannot correct anything, and the sins we have committed are not ours at all because it is the Creator who created the evil inclination that rules over us and forces us to sin.

We are not guilty that we are immersed in egoism, which every time pushes us to think only about ourselves and not about others or about the Creator. Therefore, both sins and their correction are not our fault and not our merit because the Creator does everything. He has prepared all the sins and all the corrections against them for us, and we are between one and the other, like in a vice.

Our work is to relate everything to the Creator, both the sins and the corrections. We can only connect sin with correction when we can understand and feel that both of them come from the Creator and not from us. The Creator is above sins and above corrections. This is a special higher power above everything.

That is why Yom Kippur is a day of special joy that allows us to rise even higher above creation, to connect with the higher power, and to reach its level. All the sins and all the egoism that have been created by the Creator and the corrections that are achieved thanks to Him are necessary for us to understand the step that is above the evil and good inclinations, that is, to understand the Creator, who cannot be attained in any other way.

The Creator is separated from all creation, and it is possible to attain this essence only in this way, through the experience of our separation to the fullest extent. When we unite with each other, we unite with the Creator.

We rise above transgressions, above punishment and reward, and make these corrections so that only with their help will we reach the Creator who is detached from the whole creation. The Creator has prepared all these states for us so that we can attain Him: one, unique, and unified.

Yom Kippur is the main symbol of the process of attaining the upper force that is detached from the whole creation.

Without unification, without thoughts about the entire world Kli, and without thoughts about mutual help and about all of humanity it is impossible to achieve even the smallest spiritual revelation. All nations are destined to rise above their individual egoism and return to the system of Adam HaRishon, to become like one person, like one desire.

Yom Kippur is a spiritual state in which a person reveals that his transgression is that he thought he himself was transgressing and did not see that everything comes from the Creator. Meaning, he did not recognize that “There is none else besides Him.”

He thought he was doing everything by himself and he evaluated his thoughts and desires in his egoism. But now a person wants to correct his mistakes, all these impure discernments that are not related to the one, unique, and unified upper force. And this is what he prays and asks the Creator for.

This is the essence of the judgment day (translated literally, but usually it is called the Day of Atonement)—the day on which a person wants to atone and correct all the states and clarifications that he could not attribute to the upper force. After all, our whole job is to attribute everything that happens in the world to the upper force and to consider ourselves to be only a creation controlled by it one hundred percent.

The ascent of 125 spiritual steps is an increasing identification of oneself with the upper force until complete unification with it. When we completely correct the Kelim, which was intentionally broken by the Creator, and raise it to His level, then we will be ready to begin the true path to understand and unify with the Creator.

But these are secrets of the end of correction. When we achieve this together—all the creations who are now in this world and those who are not in it—then we will go further and find out what the Creator has prepared for us after the final correction.

In Yom Kippur we reveal that not only good, but also evil comes from the Creator and they have equal value. A person should bless for evil as well as for good because due to both of these forces he attains unification with the Creator.

This unification with the higher power is our common single goal, and therefore any past state must be perceived as an invitation for unification. It doesn’t matter what I feel or what happens in my mind, my heart, my body, or in my relationships, by this I am shown where I can add and strengthen the unification with the upper force.

The meaning of fasting on Yom Kippur is that we act only by the power of faith without using the power of reception.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson, 9/26/20

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Rosh HaShanah—Time to Ask for Forgiveness
A Special Silence During The Day of Atonement
Yom Kippur—Recognition of Egoism

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