The Well-Fed Do Not Understand the Hungry

547.04Comment: There is a famine in Brazil. People lost their jobs during the pandemic and found themselves without means of subsistence. They call it the “hunger pandemic.” More than 100 million Brazilians will no longer have meat, dairy products, and vegetables on the table, that is, in very limited quantities.

Brazil is one of the largest exporters of products in the world, especially meat. How can a country remain the biggest exporter while over 100 million of your own people, almost 50% of the population, have nothing to put on the table?

My Response: It is very simple: this is how we created the world. It is not nature that does this. Nature provides us with everything we need. Yet, we turn it over as we like, divide it, mold it in such a way that on the one hand we throw food away and on the other hand, people starve.

Question: But this is not a good world. Let’s say I am the leader of the country, I am developing exports, and at the same time, my people are starving. How is this even possible? Why do you say that our world is like that?

Answer: It is egoistic. You have to correct egoism for this. If you do not correct it, we will always have situations like this. There will be small black and white periods. But mostly they will be dark, black.

Comment: I am well-fed and I feel that I need to develop the economy and revenue and I am not interested in what is next to me.

My Response: It is a big problem to put the country in order. To do this, it is necessary to educate people, raise literacy, and create special conditions for proper interaction between people. No one will do this.

Comment: This is my wrong view. Let’s say the country’s leaders should see that their people are starving and stop half of the exports.

My Response: And what will happen? If they stop exporting, there will be no money. If there is no money, they will not be able to produce weapons or something else. Everything is attached one to another. Then they will eat you.

The egoistic world cannot be in another form.

Question: Do you think that even further the egoistic world will show itself more as a monster?

Answer: In any case, it will find a solution, a way for egoism to celebrate. There will be a ball of egoism all over the Earth.

Question: What would you do as a leader of the country if you had such an opportunity? People are starving in your country and you export a great amount of everything. How would you regulate this?

Answer: In principle, this problem has no solution. It can only come down to one thing: educating the population so that it is prepared for a paradigm shift, that is, to change the value in life from egoistic to altruistic; moreover, change to a very serious altruistic system where schools, institutions, and relations between people, everything would be subordinated to altruistic social relations.

Question: Do you think that because of this there will be no famine in the country and so on?

Answer: Then there will be nothing like that. But this is a gradual, long-term transition system. Basically, this is, of course: awareness, development of consciousness, and development of states between people and social relations.

Question: Do you think that this leads to mutual guarantee and to the fact that no one can starve next to me, that there is no such thing at all?

Answer: This is a fantasy. I understand that this is a fantasy. But, on the other hand, we need any way to come closer to this. I understand that this sounds unreal today, but nature will force us nevertheless.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/27/21

Related Material:
We Will Reach Love But Only Through Hunger
“Hunger Is a Rolling Snowball” (Medium)
Hunger Is Knocking At The Door

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