Let the Light of Correction Pass Through You

231.01Comment: People feel a lot of states as a result of hearing your words during a lesson and think: “I have discovered something incredible here for myself!”

My Response: This is how I reveal the world to them! I sit in front of them and, one can say, open up more and more connections and interactions between all its parts. Of course what we do during the lesson is the discovery of the world.

Comment: It seems that it is impossible not to absorb this information, although it is hard for external people.

My Response: A person will not be able to absorb it. No matter how much he writes down, no matter what he does, it is impossible to absorb. You can only listen to this information many times in order to change. Try to change!

And the changes themselves occur only during practical study in the group, only when trying to connect on an equal level.

Question: As a result, will those people who are not listening to us now come to this through feelings or through practice?

Answer: You are in the same system with them. To the extent that you absorb, you pass the light of correction through yourself to the whole system. And if you are also actively disseminating, then even more so.

Yet if you have these opportunities, but you don’t use them to communicate with others, you shut yourself up and there will also be nothing left in you. Everything is arranged in this simple way; as long as the system passes through itself and is connected to everyone, it works. If there is some kind of breakage in it, then this part stops working.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Hidden Information” 8/6/13

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