How to Understand the Higher Program?

281.02Question: Why is it that the more we disseminate to the world, the more we are rejected?

Answer: In this case, you need help because you have to go above what you feel in your egoism. Only then does a state arise in you where you are forced to acquire a second nature opposite to the present one.

This is incomprehensible to an ordinary person because he has no idea how to act or how to move. To do this, he needs the upper light, another energy, not the energy that spins the corporeal world, but the energy of light. This is the exit to the next space.

Now I am slowly starting to talk about it. At least just to prepare people for what will happen, and then which way they will come to this. They will come. They will still come!

Can you imagine how much a person will have to go through, live through, and re-feel in order to understand at least the program in front of him that he is obliged to implement? These are big problems.

But in unity, they are solved very simply, and if there is no unity, then, of course, they cannot be solved in any way.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call, Victory Is a Sign of Defeat” 8/2/13

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