“What advice would you give to someone who just won the lottery?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: What advice would you give to someone who just won the lottery?

To build something good for children and the elderly.

Children and the elderly are always in need of support, so giving the money in that direction should give the lottery winner a feeling of satisfaction that they contributed positively to people’s lives, and that they made meaningful use of the prize money.

We derive a lot more fulfillment and happiness from helping other people than from pleasing ourselves, indulging in luxuries.

Why? It is because what we give others lives on in them.

Whatever we receive for ourselves, we immediately bury in the spiritual graveyard, whereas what we give to others passes from us into the ever-expansive collective soul, the collective consciousness, which increasingly advances in a state of eternity, wholeness and perfection.

The key to happiness is to live outside one’s self-aimed desires, in the desires of others.

Based on the video “A Kabbalist’s Advice for Lottery Winners” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

Poison or Medicine

281.02Question: In one of the articles we studied, it was said that it is safest to be in a society that has nothing to do with your views at all. But from the point of view of Kabbalah, we can receive the importance of the goal most of all from people who are close in spirit, and at the same time, you can get more harm from them, you can literally move a millimeter away and that is it. You said that a person could learn from Baal HaSulam, but at the same time he could literally harm a new student.

Here, we have two sides at once: both the importance of the goal and the poison that can turn everything upside down. How can one protect oneself from the poison?

Answer: I think that today my students are definitely not in danger. On the contrary, I see that those students who used to be quite dangerous because they could go astray and even drag some more friends along with them are different today.

We have organized a serious, strong group, a spiritual association that already holds them together, and they represent a single structure. I do not think that, at least for now, it can be destroyed. I hope that after me it will not collapse and the world will have a need for them.

We are moving at a very fast pace to a state where the world will no longer have any ability to lead and the ability to somehow keep itself at least at some level. Yet this group will be able to show it how to go forward. In a state of absolute lack of understanding, helplessness, and confusion of humanity, it will firmly set an example, and this will be very necessary for the world.

Question: You stress all the time that we need to show each other the importance of the goal and not in any case show a sour face. But what if someone says something kind of nasty that goes through the network inside the system itself?

Answer: I think that there are many departments for this, working with the masses and so on. In general, the system will hold itself. It is all in the hands of upper forces. I am doing my job, I have nothing to worry about. I build what I can, and then…

We are all parts of the system that leads us to the goal. My task is to teach people to go to it faster and easier for the correct connection with the upper force, and to enjoy the fact that you bring contentment to It.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Poison or Medicine” 6/28/13

Related Material:
A Sign of the Last Generation
Overcome Yourself by Raising the Importance of the Goal
The Goal Of The Future Society

Building Spiritual Reality

565.01Question: How does a Kabbalist attract spiritual reality to himself?

Answer: He does not attract it. He needs to build it in himself. Spiritual reality does not exist! There is no spiritual world, there is no heaven, hell, there is nothing! You have to create all this yourself. Then it will exist. The one who does not create it for himself does not have it.

Question: But there is some form or formula. How is it created?

Answer: There is a formula by which it is created, but not a form.

Question: Do all Kabbalists, using this formula, perceive reality differently?

Answer: No. This reality is felt as one single whole, and they feel themselves existing in it because they have an equivalence of qualities with it. But everyone feels it in his own way, as each of us feels this world in his own way.

Comment: The point is that it does not exist, but still its perception is automatically given to us in our heads.

My Response: It is because instead of you, nature itself forms an egoistic image within you, an egoistic desire in which you feel it. However, a spiritual, altruistic desire, you have to form by yourself.

Question: How do we all form some kind of reality together when, let’s say, there is a congress?

Answer: We must gather together, help each other with our thoughts and aspirations, and make an effort so that we would want to reach the quality of bestowal and love. Then, in this common quality, we will begin to feel the upper world. Each one to the extent that he has invested in it.

Question: This is a cumulative process. Nevertheless, some amount of effort should be accumulated inside a person. What should be the limit so that a person is ready to just burst?

Answer: He receives what he wants just before he bursts. But only if he is bursting from the desire for connection and love, from the desire to bestow and fill others.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Reality on the Other Side of Perception” 7/18/13

Related Material:
Who Can See The True Reality?
How Can We Distinguish Between Reality And Illusion?
A Kabbalist Is A Person Who Lives In Two Worlds

How Does the Language of Kabbalah Affect a Person?

137Question: Baal HaSulam wrote the article “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” in which he explains each phase in great detail on dozens of pages. This is the basis of all Kabbalah.

The language of Kabbalah was revealed from nature itself. For the first time it was attained by the great Kabbalist the Ari. Is it because no one before him had operated with such terms as “restriction, surrounding, departing,” and “equivalence of form”?

Answer: Yes, the Ari revealed all these phases, qualities, and emanations, and he described it for the first time, which gave the basis for the wisdom of Kabbalah.

In principle, they were also known to Rashbi, the author of The Book of Zohar. But Rashbi could not describe it the way the Ari did. It is not that he knew less. He just lived at a time when all this could not be unfolded. He could not receive the apparatus of explanation yet. These Kabbalists were separated by almost 1,500 years.

Comment: As far as I understand, the most special thing is that when people read these definitions, which they do not quite understand, this already affects them.

My Response: Yes. It is very important. Even if a person does not do anything but just listens, some changes already take place in him because we are talking about things concerning our roots.
From KabTV’s “The Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES)” 9/4/22

Related Material:
Imprint Kabbalistic Terms in Your Memory
The Language of Feelings
“Does God understand constructed languages?” (Quora)

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 10/4/22

Preparation for the Lesson

[media 1] [media 2]

Lesson on the Topic “Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)”

[media 3] [media 4]

Selected Highlights

[media 5] [media 6]

“Will Russia’s attempt to invade Ukraine and the subsequent consequences show that war is a 20th century idea that is no longer feasible in a financially interdependent and globalised world?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: Will Russia’s attempt to invade Ukraine and the subsequent consequences show that war is a 20th century idea that is no longer feasible in a financially interdependent and globalised world?

Today, we have more interdependence between people, societies, cultures, economies and countries than ever before. And the ongoing Russia and Ukraine conflict presents a very sharp and painful example of our tightening global interdependence. The fact that mass starvation and other massive supply deficits could quickly impact entire populations as a direct outcome of the war already shows how we have no lack of food or supplies; we only lack positive human connection.

Through such suffering, nature wishes to teach us about our globally-interdependent state: that we can cultivate anything we want, but if we lack positive connection, then whatever we do acts negatively upon us and will lead to suffering.

Nature thus gradually teaches us, by coupling our tightening global interdependence with increasing suffering, that we need to perform a 180-degree flip of our attitudes to each other: from our inborn egoistic attitudes where we prioritize self-benefit over benefiting others, to its opposite—a genuine desire to benefit others over self-benefit.

Impacting a shift from a path of suffering to a path of increasing understanding, fulfillment and happiness in today’s globally-interdependent world requires positively connecting with each other above our differences, and feeling ourselves as a single global body.

Based on the video “The Infeasibility of War in a Globally-Interdependent World” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman and Oren Levi. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.