Hormonal and Spiritual Love

527.02Spiritual love is felt as an ascent above oneself and an exit into infinite space where there are no restrictions, where you cease to feel yourself because you live in others, and the Creator fills you. That is, you, others, and the Creator are together in one single whole without movement, space, boundaries, and time. All restrictions called “our world” disappear completely.

Comment: But we do not just love. In the corporeal world we have an object in relation to which the whole process takes place.

My Response: What is the difference? There is a person with whom I can reach such a mutual relationship. He helps me and I help him rise above our egoism, become integrated in each other, and start this work.

To do this, I need a so-called “contactor,” a fellow traveler, interlocutor, friend, brother. I need him so that we create a common field between us in which the Creator will be revealed.

This filling of our mutual properties by the Creator and mutual concessions, when He fills the area where we annulled our egoism in order to integrate into each other, is called love. This area itself is called the vessel of love, and what fills it is called the feeling of love.

Everything else is animalistic, hormonal attraction. What kind of love is this?

Question: Why do we consider hormonal attraction to be love?

Answer: Because we call love that which egoism loves. That is all. Our world is completely opposite to the spiritual one.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call, Hormonal Love” 5/1/13

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Physiology Of Love

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