Getting to Know Yourself

083Reading The Zohar, we come across some definitions that we do not understand. Gradually we will get to know them, but in fact, this is not even that important.

You can compare it with a little child who sees a lot of unknown things around him and faces something new all the time.

He does not ever know why it is necessary, but purely instinctively, artlessly, and without knowing how. he gets acquainted with the world.

Similarly, there is no need to be afraid that we do not understand something in what we read and that we do not know how one is connected with the other.

We just need to listen, to be in touch with the text, and to burn with the desire to understand, as it is the only way to know the world, both our world and the spiritual one.

When we read the Torah later, we will see where all these images came from and why one name is mentioned after another and all sorts of quotes.

We will already understand what spiritual actions and qualities we are talking about, what force acts at what stage—Joseph, Jacob, Abraham, or Moses.

The Zohar and in general the entire wisdom of Kabbalah refers to these inner forces that are within us. Gradually we begin to get acquainted with our qualities.

As they develop, we get the opportunity to work with them, organize them correctly, and use them.

After all, the measure of a person’s life force in spirituality is measured by how familiar this world is to him, by his capabilities, and his level of knowledge.

The more we learn and feel, the more significant will be our spiritual life, the degree of our consciousness and existence. This is how we will move forward.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/5/09, The Book of Zohar “Noah”

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