See the Entire System as a Whole

226Comment: When a child is born, they begin to stuff him with unnecessary information and with various stereotypes. Does any previous data, parents for example, influence a child’s perception of the world? Or is any baby just a blank tape on which you can record everything?

My Response: No, absolutely not. We are in one common system and are completely interconnected both in our good and bad qualities and our deeds. This is a massive system that we cannot convey to our listeners or readers right now. To do this, you need to see it as a whole because it is not discrete, but rather analogue and integral.

Therefore it is impossible to understand any fate if you do not see the entire system and the way it influences a particular soul at every moment in its historical development, the way all this transfuses and affects it, and causes certain reactions in it. In addition, if freewill is turned on in this soul, then everything changes in the entire system! In general, this is unpredictable; we are not able to cover this.

King David spoke about this in Psalm 139: When I reveal Your world, I see an amazing harmony shimmering in the one great entire single soul, and I also have a place there. I was created in the depths of this system, gradually came out of it, and now I begin to attain it, as if surfacing to its highest level. How great is Your deed, Creator.

This is approximately how he described his feelings two and a half thousand years ago.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The World Through the Eyes of a Baby” 2/10/13

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