Perception Of Spirituality

237Question: You constantly say that the first step in implementing the Kabbalistic methodology is the most difficult, and then everything goes smoothly. Why is the first transition so difficult?

Answer: Because the first transition is a cardinal change, the change of one’s nature to the opposite—from egoistic to altruistic—and all the other steps are just ascents in an altruistic way. That is, they are already similar to each other and you do not change inversely.

Question: In your feeling, when you experienced this yourself, how wonderful was this transformation?

Answer: It is impossible to convey in words how your perception of the world, worldview, world outlook, and world existence change, because there are no such means in this world.

Question: But you said that all changes occur in sensations, that is, not so much in matter, but in relation to everything else. Does it mean that at the level of matter everything remains the same?

Answer: What does it mean “the same”? If the same exists subjectively in relation to you, then what does it mean that everything remains the same? How can it be?

Matter is desire. Desire functions in a completely different way. That is, there is inanimate, vegetative, and animate matter; this is our entire world including everyone who is in it, including people, and the next level is human matter.

Human is Adam, from the word “Domeh” (similar to the Creator). You begin to own this matter, it becomes yours. When a desire takes the form of Adam (similar to the Creator), you feel the next degree in it.

Comment: You often give the example that people expect something that is somewhere beyond the horizon, but all real changes are happening here, now, at this moment.

My Response: Yes, because there is nothing beyond the horizon. You are in a certain desire, you need to change its application, its form, from “for yourself” to “for others,” to bestowal, to outside of yourself. This is what you need to do.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Spiritual Perception” 3/11/09

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