Continuity Of Development

760.4Question: When we go beyond the limits of material existence, should our development stop?

Answer: It should stop, but, in principle, by itself it is infinite. In Kabbalah, we study another additional stage of our development that is available to us.

With the help of Kabbalah, we can reveal our next existence, so to speak. Just as our stay on Earth ends after 70 years of life, so the unfolding spiritual existence ends with 125 degrees of spiritual development.

Then there is some other line that we do not perceive, but we see that this line exists, and, as Kabbalists say, it is also moving away. It will become clear to us only when we begin to approach it.

Now humanity has developed to the condition where we ask about the meaning of life, in fact, about the border of the volume in which we exist: “And what is beyond its border? There must be something.”

Nature is infinite, continuous, eternal, beyond time, space, and movement, we reveal this even with the help of our sciences. Therefore, we cannot say that there is a border somewhere and that is it. No.

Even our minds and our feelings are not connected to our bodies. What does it all transfuse into, pass into? It means that there is a transformation of one kind to another.
From KabTV’s “Close-Up. Is Frankl Right?” 8/8/10

Related Material:
At The Threshold Of Eternity
All Of Human Development Is The Development Of Connections
The Time Has Come To Complete Our History

Why Does Egoism Value People?

962.2Question: Why do people constantly compare their achievements, for example, who has something that is more beautiful or better?

Answer: Because it is a symbol of power, wealth, or height. After all, this is why egoism values people. How can you know what kind of person I am? I can be a great sage and sit somewhere in a corner in rags. Or I can be a great ideologist and at the same time be very modest and humble.

When people put themselves on display, it is clear why this happens. Everything is moving toward a common recognition of evil. This serpent must come out completely, show itself in all its metamorphoses and guises, and manifest itself so that every person will see how much it is devouring him from the inside.

Only then will it be possible to talk about correction.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Whose iIs Better?” 4/24/10

Related Material:
No Need To Kill Egoism
Correcting Primordial Egoism
A Devil With Horns Or Our Own Egoism?

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 5/4/22

Preparation to the Lesson

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Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Study of the Ten Sefirot,” Vol. 1, Part 1, “Inner Transformation,” Chapter 6, Item 26

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Selected Highlights

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