Forgetting And Falling Asleep Will Not Help

565.02Comment: A problem of this century is the loss of meaning in professional activity whereby employees are disappointed in their work and do not see the point in it. This condition can affect people who are quite wealthy, well-educated, or in leadership positions. But since they are still perceived as successful by others, it is difficult for them to share this and refuse this work. They continue to work like this and burn out.

They don’t see the point in their work. There is a job, there is work, there is money, but I don’t see the point.

My Response: It is natural. This is the growth of mankind, the gradual development.

The egoism of man is not filled. This is the same selfishness that is our basis. At one time he was filled. He enjoyed work, honor, fame, knowledge, money, and the opportunity to somehow implement all this. But today he is not filled.

He is indifferent to the opinions of others; he is indifferent to climbing some stairs, and even to big money. There is, one might say, some kind of fatigue, like with any metal or material. So it is here. There is even a term for it: burnout.

Question: At what point does this happen? I lived normally, I worked normally, I was on fire at work, and suddenly empty and for nothing.

Answer: Egoism switched to the next mode of operation. It is not enough for people that everything is given to them. What was before that caused satisfaction and fulfillment, vanity was filled, etc., but not now. I don’t know what to do, how to live, or what to work for. I do not know! It is completely uninteresting to me.

Something more is needed. What is that “more”? They cannot tell. There is just no satisfaction; there is filling, but no satiation. What to work for? What to live for? No. Everything. Give me a pill and that’s it. People will get there! Why not?

This is deliverance from suffering: “I would like to forget and sleep.”

Question: What should a person do in such a situation? You keep saying that there will be such a universal cry.

Answer: Yes, but this is a cry, the realization of a real desire to understand the meaning of life. So why do I need all this? To such an extent that even children, which are the most important thing for a person, and especially for a woman, will not be happy.

And everything is there, absolutely everything is there, but I cannot even do my work mechanically, something for their sake. Nothing! This is the real despair from the lack of fulfillment of the egoistic Kli.

Question: When will deliverance come?

Answer: Deliverance will come from this state, when there will be a huge howl to all of heaven, and after that humanity will begin to understand why it really exists, not earlier.

Only when there is a real need to understand the meaning of life. Then we will live!
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/31/22

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