Covenant With The Entire World

929Question: Is there such a thing as a covenant with a teacher? Or is it possible only with friends and with the Creator?

Answer: It is the same thing. Everything that a person sees in front of him is given to him now so that he can develop himself spiritually. He must make a covenant with the teacher, with his friends, and with the entire world, in order to achieve adhesion with the Creator. This is the goal.

Question: It means that while a person has not yet attained the Creator, there are friends and other people before him, and he, of course, must make a covenant with them because he does not feel the Creator, but he feels them.

But why then, when he is already in connection with the upper force, is it impossible to make a covenant with the Creator directly? Why does he have to work with people anyway?

Answer: Because this is the state in which a person can reveal the Creator, come closer to Him, and feel Him. Therefore such a covenant happens in connection with the entire world, with the entire universe, with everything that a person can feel in his five senses, and with the source of this state—the Creator.

Question: There is no Creator without a Kli (vessel)?

Answer: There can be no feelings without this. Imagine that you would not see or feel anything that is around you. It would just be emptiness! What would you detect in it?

However, through inanimate, vegetative, and animate nature and through people, the Creator talks to you; He sends you some signals.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 12/28/21

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