Care That All Will Be Happy

962.1Question: The results of the regularly conducted survey “What Worries the World?” have been published. Coronavirus is no longer the main problem that concerns the inhabitants of Earth, it is in third place. It was overtaken by poverty and unemployment.

Poverty and social inequality concern 33%, unemployment – 30%, and the coronavirus – 29%. Then there is corruption, crime, education, climate change, emigration and so on. At the very end,  the content of social programs (Ipsos, “Coronavirus no longer the world’s top worry as it is overtaken by economic concerns”).

What will we come to? What will humanity care about?

Answer: When there is no goal, it is impossible to talk about anything. Each, like a swan, a crayfish, and a pike, pulls in their own direction and that is it.

Comment: However, they say directly that a person wants to be happy.

My Response: That is a separate happiness for everyone.

Question: Will a person’s aspiration for his happiness not lead him to this?

Answer: In doing so, he stumbles upon the desire for the happiness of everyone else. Thus, they pull in different directions.

Question: Should the aspiration be one, common, toward one common goal?

Answer: Yes. Until we come to agreement, none of this will happen.

Question: What is the main problem that should concern people?

Answer: People should be concerned about the question of what they exist for, what the most important thing in their life is, and how to reach this state. After that, I can already talk about the things that prevent or help me to reach this goal.

Question: In your opinion, what should be the goal?

Answer: To be really happy.

Question: What do you mean by the word “happiness”?

Answer: When everyone is happy, everyone is satisfied, everyone is fulfilled, and everyone feels good.

Question: Did you just say not that I would be happy, but everyone would be happy?

Answer: How else can it be? If not everyone is happy, then in the end it threatens me too.

Comment: So, I have to care that all the people of the Earth will be happy.

My Response: Only in this case can I guarantee myself absolute happiness.

Question: In what case will the people of Earth be happy?

Answer: When all of them will think about exactly that, and worry about making everyone happy.

Happiness is to be in absolute harmony with inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human nature.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/8/21

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