Subjugate To The Creator’s Will

237Question: What does “fall to the ground” mean?

Answer: Falling to the ground is a feeling of the power of the ego over us that we cannot cope with. The earth symbolizes the original, fundamental egoistic desire.

The same thing means “to lay ashes on your head,” i.e., to raise the highest level of egoistic desire (Behina Dalet) above yourself. How to mend oneself in something to the nature created by the Creator, not correcting it, but only submitting to it.

Question: What does “to get land by lot” mean?

Answer: To receive the land by lot means that I completely subjugate to the will of the Creator and I accept all the desires that are aroused in me, called “earth” (Eretz), as blessings, regardless of the form in which they come to me.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 9/27/21

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