Is The Peak Of The Pandemic Over?

294.2In the News ( The WHO believes that humanity has passed almost 60% of the way in the fight against COVID-19.

“Chief researcher of the organization Soumya Swaminathan, said that it is premature to predict the timing of the end of the pandemic, APA reports quoting freenews,

“Humanity will soon pass 60% of the way in the fight against COVID-19. However, unexpected obstacles may still be ahead, so it is premature to predict the timing of the end of the pandemic.”

Question: What percentage of the way do you think we have already covered?

Answer: We have not entered this path! In our attitude to our condition, to the pandemic, we have not entered it yet.

Question: So you consider that the beginning of the path is if we at least gradually approach the root?

Answer: The beginning of realization of the source of our problem, for example, the pandemic, and other problems, lies in us generally treating nature incorrectly, absolutely negatively.

We must realize that otherwise nature, which is the Creator, cannot push us to His goal except in this way.

Question: Through viruses?

Answer: Yes. Such terrible, ugly creatures like us can’t be pushed otherwise.

Question: So you are saying that we haven’t even entered this marathon yet?

Answer: No, of course not. We do not know the reason why we feel such blows from nature. We do not know the consequences of this. We do not know how to turn to nature, to the Creator. How can we control our condition, how can we say that we have made it 60% of the way?

There must be a revelation of evil, that we feel bad. This is not evil yet.

Evil is when I realize that it comes to me because I am an egoist, I communicate incorrectly with people and with nature, and therefore I cause such blows to myself. The realization of the way I am is the realization of evil and it is the realization that it is bad for me. We have not uncovered the cause. And without uncovering the cause of the disease, no WHO will help here.

We just need to realize this and start correctly demanding our correction from nature, and not its correction or changes.

Question: And this is the beginning of healing?

Answer: Yes. The medicine is in us.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 10/11/21

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