Preventing Volcanic Eruptions

765.1Question: Vesuvius is one of the most active volcanoes in Europe. Tens of thousands of people died there 200 years ago. Can those engaged in spiritual development now prevent future volcanic eruption with their thoughts and behavior?

Answer: No, not in any way. We can say in advance that the direction in which humanity is developing is moving us toward fierce natural disasters, shocks, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, everything that exists in nature. And we are already beginning to feel it.

This correction takes place in order to force humanity to think about how it affects nature and that it is the basis of such responses from nature.

Comment: It seems that natural disasters come directly from the Creator. After all, wars are also terrible torments, but they are started by man.

My Response: All this is caused by man himself. There are no specific negative signals coming from the Creator, that is, from the general force of nature. All negative forces manifest themselves only because man does not bring the forces of nature to correction at all its levels.

Question: It is written in Kabbalah that the whole world is inside man. How do I understand that the volcano is inside me? What does it mean?

Answer: It really does exist only in our senses, like the rest of nature.

Question: Can I somehow extinguish this volcano inside myself so that it no longer erupts and kills people?

Answer: If you bring nature into balance at your level, it will come into balance at all the lower levels too.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 11/24/21

Related Material:
“Volcanic Eruptions Are Corrections, Too” (Linkedin)
What Is The Connection Between Vegetarianism And A Volcanic Eruption
Back To Nature

Every Man For Himself

962.1Question: What is the greatest danger that you see as a result of the fact that trust between the individual and society is breaking down?

Answer: A person who loses touch with his nation, his state, and the land itself, does not care whether he lives here or any other place. If he does not feel that the government represents him, it is not important for him to fight for the government either. There is no connection to nationality here, and that is the problem.

The education that we have received is that a person should care about himself, and that if you are happy here—fine. And if not, you can look for another place on the globe. If you succeed, it is fine. But what is important is not to be a sucker.
From Kab TV’s “New Life #1325” 11/28/21

Related Material:
New Life 1325 – Building Public Trust
New Life 1204 – Trust
New Life 467 – Trust In The Elected Officials

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 12/9/21

Preparation to the Lesson

[media 1] [media 2]

Writings of Baal HaSulam, Shamati #121 “She Is Like Merchant-Ships”

[media 3] [media 4]

Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Peace in the World”

[media 5] [media 6]

Selected Highlights

[media 7] [media 8]