Their Own Standard Of Living For Everyone

547.05Comment: The head and heart of a person who is seriously engaged in business are completely there. Practice shows that such people included in our community do not give themselves completely to the spiritual idea. They still have material interests and needs.

My Response: It’s just their job. There are solid businessmen in our community who have been devoted to the group for many, many years. I don’t see how they can leave their jobs. They will not live on a lower salary, they have a certain standard.

There are certain conditions for each person. Therefore, it is considered normal for him to maintain the level at which he lives.
In the Talmud there is a story about Rabbi Akiva and his rich friend. Usually the rich man moved in a palanquin, in front of which people ran, clearing the way for him.

And when he went bankrupt and started walking, it became a terrible state for him. Therefore, Rabbi Akiva specifically hired people to run ahead of him. But when Rabbi Akiva did not have the money to hire people, he himself ran ahead of his friend, clearing the way for him.

Of course, this example should be understood much more deeply. But, in principle, we can conclude from it that a person should be treated according to the level that he considers normal for himself.
From KabTV’s “Through Time”

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